San Diego Catering by Bekker's Catering

About Bekker's Catering

Bekker's Catering已经从卑微的开始成为利记历史最悠久,最可靠的餐饮和活动策划公司. 利记开始作为路边酒吧BQ在1958年,作为一个餐厅和餐饮公司. 利记搬到了一个更大的地方,并于1978年以Bekker's Bar BQ重新开业,以适应利记不断增长的餐饮业务. We have now expanded to an even larger facility in 2013, 人手充足,随时准备接待任何规模的公司和个人活动. Our goal is to provide our clients with amazing meals, customized personal event planning support, spectacular presentations by professional and friendly staff, and unparalleled value.

The Bekker's Story

Humble Beginnings-

Dale and Betty Worm

After college, the Navy, and World War II, submarine chef Dale Worm and his wife, Betty他们决定在烧烤生意上寻找下一个成功. 他们在圣迭戈县的Mission Gorge路找到了房产,这是一个未铺设和未开发的地区. Upon consulting with the health department, Dale encountered a minor setback - in order to open a restaurant, 他需要把下水道系统延伸到观澜峡路. 戴尔采取主动,挨家挨户、挨家挨户地推销, gathering signatures to get the sewer brought in. Earning the nickname "The Mayor of Grantville," Dale spearheaded the development of the entire Grantville area. 路边酒吧BQ于1958年开业,成为观澜峡路上的第一家餐厅. Dale and Betty spent 20 years in this location, serving fantastic barbecue to the growing city of San Diego, and raising a family who would later carry on the legacy.

The Next Step-

Oscar and Olga Worm

In 1978, 戴尔和贝蒂的儿子奥斯卡认为烧烤生意也很适合他, and joined his dad in opening Bekker's Bar BQ, 3 miles down Mission Gorge Road. 新的地点提供了一个很好的机会,他们有更多的空间来专注于餐饮. 几年后,奥斯卡结婚了,他的妻子奥尔加也加入了这个行业. Olga and Oscar spent over 20 successful years in this location, keeping the restaurant busy, and catering events for a growing San Diego community. 随着时间的流逝,生意越来越好,贝克餐饮的声誉也越来越好. After raising a family themselves: Lara, Marla, and Scott, Olga and Oscar attempted to retire in 2001. 他们卖掉了公司,花了六年时间四处旅行,享受他们应得的自由.

A New Venture-

Lara and Marla

In 2007, daughter Marla, son Scott and his wife, Jennifer, pulled Olga and Oscar out of retirement, and into a new venture - West Coast Barbecue and Catering, on Lake Murray Blvd. in La Mesa. 作为一个家庭,他们在这个地方经营了5年的另一家成功的餐馆. Soon, they found themselves in such high demand for catering, that they reassumed ownership of Bekker's Catering in 2010. Scott and Jennifer welcomed son Henry into the family in 2011, daughter Emily in 2013 and baby Tiffany in 2015. 2014年,马拉和丈夫乔纳迎来了他们的儿子马泽尔. Finally, 在经营一家繁忙的餐馆和一家迅速扩张的餐饮公司几年之后, 整个家庭决定,他们已经准备好专注于餐饮, and sold West Coast Bar BQ in 2012.


The Scott and Jen Worm Family

Bekker's Catering - Awesome food and service for 55 years...and counting.

The Worm Family


Oscar Worm - Former CEO and Chef Emeritus
- at Bekker's since 1958

奥斯卡现在已经退休了,他是西部最快的雕刻师,只在最繁忙的日子被叫来! He also has the ability to see the big picture, 并负责特殊项目和新想法,为不断扩大的业务. He is very happy to sit back and create new marketing strategies, or new menus - as long as he doesn't have to implement them! 他现在很享受他30多年来每周工作7天所放弃的爱好. He loves to hike, work out at the gym, play the accordion, do woodworking, dredge for gold, flint knap, garden, and enjoy the fruits of his labor. He is especially proud of his children: Lara, an Asst. U.S. Attorney; Marla, a devoted mother; and Scott, 谁完全成功地接管了餐饮厨房. 奥斯卡和奥尔加更喜欢旅行,因为他们的孩子已经长大,可以处理日常的责任. 通过几次长途旅行,他们最近几乎走遍了欧洲的每一个国家. With each new country they visit, 他们把在旅行中收集的食谱放进了一套新的民族利记app官网首页!


Olga Worm - CEO - since 1980

Guiding and carrying on the family legacy for over 30 years, Olga is the consummate hands-on professional leader. While spearheading this multimillion dollar corporation, 你还会发现她会计划复杂事件的微小细节, setting up enormous, artistic fruit displays, carving beef for a thousand guests, and loading tables onto a truck. She serves as a boss and mother to over 50 employees, training, directing, 完善和鼓励每个人每天超越到新的高度. Each staff member becomes a member of her family, 每一项都因坚持利记高标准的客户服务而受到重视, and the unique attributes he or she brings to the Bekker's team.

Born in New York City, then moving to Pocatello, Idaho from Elementary through High School, 奥尔加从大城市和小城镇的角度对世界都有独特的看法. Always an overachiever, she received many awards in her fields of music, speech, dance, acting, directing, leadership and academics. She graduated from Pomona College in 1977 - BA in Theatre Arts; Acting, Directing and Design, and California State University, Fullerton; Teaching Credential. 在短暂的教学生涯之后,她在一家鞋店工作时发现了自己在销售方面的特长. 22岁时,她开了第一家创业公司——一家女士时尚鞋店. Within a few years, 后来它变成了一家拥有5家连锁店的连锁店,然后她嫁给了附近一家店的老板——贝克烧烤店的奥斯卡. Five shoe stores, a restaurant and catering business, and soon three children, were a bit too much for one new family, 因此,鞋店被卖掉,取而代之的是家族餐厅生意. After a few years, 奥斯卡和奥尔加意识到了餐饮业务的潜力, and eventually phased out the restaurant, and with hard work and determination, the catering grew by leaps and bounds every year.

奥尔加利用她的戏剧背景,使每一场餐饮活动都值得起立鼓掌. Now a grandma, 奥尔加仍然有无限的精力和热情,让每一个事件都保持新鲜, fresh, delicious, and worry-free for all of her clients. 奥尔加很自豪,也很幸运,她的孩子和孙子们在家族企业中并肩工作, training them all to fulfill the family legacy. Olga also has many outside interests, 她将自己极少的业余时间用于志愿服务,并在许多慈善组织的执行委员会任职. In her short retirement, 奥尔加自编自导了一部名为《利记app官网首页》的巡回音乐剧.她还做过几年旅行社和家具销售员. Her greatest joys are her husband, Oscar, all her children, grandchildren, staff, friends, and 4 generations of clients.


Scott Worm - Executive Chef & Corporate VP

Scott Worm - Executive Chef & Corporate VP
- at Bekker's since 1986

斯科特•沃姆(Scott Worm)天生就是一名企业家,从小就对商业有着敏锐的眼光. He always excelled in school, focusing on his studies, the Future Farmers of America club, Football and Wrestling. He began working for the family business as soon as he could walk! Always a man with serious intentions, 他在2003年就读埃尔卡皮坦高中时遇到了他的妻子詹妮弗. 斯科特努力攒钱,并于2005年在德克萨斯州奥斯汀购买了他的第一套房子. He and Jennifer then moved to Austin, and he attended college and worked for a large equipment company, moving up quickly from warehouse staff to sales. Scott and Jennifer moved back to San Diego in 2008, began working at our former restaurant - West Coast BBQ, and Scott finally popped the question! Scott became executive chef of Bekker's Catering in 2009, and finally allowed his father Oscar to retire! 珍妮弗和斯科特于2009年结婚,并在利记买了一套房子. They welcomed their first child, Henry into the world in 2011, beautiful daughter Emily in 2013, and newest baby Tiffany in 2015. In his minimal free time, Scott enjoys the art of home-brewing craft beer, gourmet cooking, gardening and spending time with his family and dogs. 他和Jennifer喜欢旅行和体验世界各地的美食, the best kind of research & development!


Jennifer Worm - CFO & Human Resources Director

Jennifer Worm - CFO & Human Resources Director
- With us since 2008

虽然她可能不知道,但珍妮弗生来就是利记家的一员. She met her husband, our Executive Chef Scott, while still attending El Capitan High School in 2003, and it was meant to be. Jennifer在华盛顿互惠银行工作,在那里她学到了很多技能,后来她成为了利记的首席财务官. After graduating from High School, Scott and Jennifer purchased their first home in Austin, TX in 2005, and Jennifer continued working in banking while attending college. 2008年,他们回到加州,斯科特终于向他求婚了! While attending Grossmont College for accounting and business, Jennifer also worked at our former restaurant, West Coast BBQ as a hostess, server, and bookkeeper. They were married in 2009, and welcomed little Henry, into the family in 2011, beautiful Emily in 2013, and baby Tiffany in 2015. Jennifer may be quiet, but it's only because she's so busy! 当她不处理财务问题时,她会预订聚会,并照顾送货. 她通过处理工资单和商业账目,使利记的员工和供应商满意, all while taking care of two young children. In her free time Jennifer loves spending time with her family, reading, cooking and finding fun projects on Pinterest.


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Office and Catering Kitchen

7455 Mission Gorge Rd, San Diego, CA 92120

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